
Using filters in Microsoft Outlook to make your life easier

Written by sreedwilson | December 16, 2014 2:28:54 PM Z

Today’s post is from Reed Wilson, President and CEO of PTG and admitted Office 365 Junkie

If your inbox is anything like mine, it is very easy for mail to get lost in the mess.  I knew there had to be a better way and I recently stumbled across the ‘Filters’ function in Outlook 2013.  (To be fair – this feature is also in earlier versions of Outlook.)

I’ve found that this is an easy way to triage mail using other filters that are in the option set as well.

In Outlook 2013, you can find the Filter Email option in the far right hand side of the Outlook Home ribbon.  You can see all the filters here – so if you just wanted to show Unread – choose Unread.  You can also use timeline filters (ie: show mail this week or yesterday).



You can also ‘stack’ the filters.  In the example above – this will show unread mail across all folders.  If you are like me – you have a ton of unread mail in Deleted Folders.  So if I just wanted to see unread mail from yesterday in my inbox, it would look like this:


(Although this screen says ‘this week’, it is really showing just ‘yesterday’ as you can see in the highlighted string.)

Happy Searching!