If You Only Add One Thing to Office 365 Make it This

Cloud App Security

As part of PTG's initiative to help you work better in 2019, here is an add-on for Office 365 that we believe you can't afford NOT to have.

Office 365 Cloud App Security

The key to staying secure in today’s cloud environment is having the right tools to discover suspicious activity and act on it before it becomes a disaster.

If you are already using Office 365 Enterprise E5, then Microsoft Cloud App Security is already available, however, any Office 365 subscriber can easily add the Office 365 monitoring feature for only $3 per user, per month.

Office 365 Cloud App Security is an essential add on for businesses wanting insight and tracking into suspicious activity happening in Office 365.

If you are not already taking steps to monitor how your organization's data is accessed, you should be.

According to a Forcepoint survey, only 7% of businesses have good visibility of all critical data.

Additionally, Crowd Research Partners reports that 84% of organizations say traditional security solutions don’t work in cloud environments. This is why Cloud App Security is essential.

How Office 365 Cloud App Security works

With Office 365 Cloud App Security, you receive notifications of suspicious activity triggered by atypical use of your accounts. You can customize other actions, such as suspending the user account until the alert has been reviewed. This action is just one of the features built into this add-on to make Office 365 more secure.

Security You Define

Office 365 Cloud App Security uses "policies" to determine actions within your organization that may potentially be a security risk. Such as a user logging in from an unknown location or downloading tons of files in a short period of time. My favorite: You can get alerted when lots of files are updated in a short period of time, which is usually a sign of a ransomware infection.

Policies are defined by your organization to form the foundation of Office 365 Cloud App Security’s advanced threat detection ability. If you're not sure what policies to define, there are several predefined policy templates that make it easier for users to define actions that may signify a security threat. These provided policy templates include:

  • Logins from unknown or risky IP addresses
  • Common ransomware activities
  • Administrator activity from non-corporate IP addresses

Once the Office 365 Cloud App Security portal is installed, you can view the full policy resources at Control > Templates


Policy tab for Cloud App Security


Whenever an action outside of that policy takes place, an alert is triggered. A helpful activity log allows users to review what activity triggered the alert.


Activity Log Cloud App Security


Organizations who trust PTG with Office 365 security will have an expert on hand who is monitoring these alerts and taking proactive steps to mitigate potential risks.

Cloud App Security helps you work better

One of the proactive steps you can take this year to protect your data is to employ tools like Office 365 Cloud App Security. Think of it like having a 24-hour sentry at the door to Office 365 and connected third-party apps at all time.

Ready to add Office 365 Cloud App Security to Office 365?


Considering Office 365 for your Business?

You may also be interested in checking out:


Office 365 Security Guide



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