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We created PTG Tech Talk as a way to keep SC business professionals up-to-date with the latest productivity tips, cybersecurity news, and snippets from our popular blog. Stay informed with the latest tech trends and get insights on how to improve your productivity and security.

PTG Tech Talk Archive
Access older editions of PTG Tech Talk here:
- Tech Talk Vol. 29: collaboration leads to productivity
- Tech Talk Vol. 28: Outdated Tech Is Holding You Back
- Tech Talk Vol. 27: Are you pinning?
- Tech Talk Vol. 26: Sticky notes are the issue
- Tech Talk Vol. 23-25: Understanding M365 vs. Office365 vs. Office2021
- Tech Talk Vol. 22: Identify Fall Phishing
- Tech Talk Vol. 21: New Tech Read this
- Tech Talk Vol. 20: How Passwords become Breaches
- Tech Talk Vol. 19: Summertime Dip
- Tech Talk Vol. 18: Cant Find that Document
- Tech Talk Vol. 17: Is Cyber Insurance Right for You
- Tech Talk Vol. 16: Avoiding the $43b BEC Scam
- Tech Talk Vol. 15: Is your Team Sharing Content Safely
- Tech Talk Vol. 14: What is Azure
- Tech Talk Vol. 13: Benefits of the Cloud
- Tech Talk Vol. 12: How to Prevent Wire Fraud
- Tech Talk Vol. 11: Should you Update
- Tech Talk Vol. 10: Fight Back Against Ransomware
- Tech Talk Vol. 9: Protect Your Business from Cyber Threats
- Tech Talk Vol. 8: Should You Back up Your Data
- Tech Talk Vol. 7: Holy Grail of Hybrid
- Tech Talk Vol. 6: Microsoft Teams but Better
- Tech Talk Vol. 5: Lets Tech Budget
- Tech Talk Vol. 4: Is Hybrid Work Secure
- Tech Talk Vol. 3: Hybrid Work Here to Stay
- Tech Talk Vol. 2: Making MFA Convenient
- Tech Talk Vol. 1: Cyber Insurance